f your ‘open line’ is ‘open’ all the time – and your colleague umpire continuously hears ’the bench’ or continuously hears wind noise or the audience – then you can adjust the speech sensitivity of your microphone. This therefore has an effect on the sound your fellow referee hears in his ear. How can you […]
I get the message “Disconnected” when I log in to the App. “There is no connection to internet possible”. How is this possible?
This message can arise if the App can not connect to the internet and therefore cannot contact the RefCom4all platform. This message can appear in several ways. Below are a few possible causes.For example, if the RefCom4All App does not have permission on your phone to use mobile data (iOS for example). The solution is […]
Do you have any advice for Boom microphone or security headset suitable for a smartphone?
Although for normal sport usage you are ok with the regular headset of your smartphone (wired or Bluetooth). But, we also understand the need for more specialized microphone / headset combinations. It is important that the set you use is adapted for a smartphone (impedance 32 Ohm instead of 8 Ohm (most radiosystems)). Some suggestions […]
Can I (as a supervisor/mentor) have separate contact with (assistant) referees?
There is 1 speech group per field/match, in which supervisor(s), referees and even coaches can participate (the last category can only listen in). So everyone can hear each other in the group. So separate communication per participant is not possible.
For which sports is RefCom4All best suited?
In principle, RefCom4All can be used in all places where there is good wireless internet coverage. WiFi is usually very limited at sports clubs.This is due to the limited coverage, firewall restrictions and / or limited internet speed. We therefore advise not to use WiFi for regular fixtures. In practice, RefCom4All works best for outdoor […]